Thursday, November 11, 2004

Random Thought

The Empire Strikes Back is a movie full of bad writing and bad acting. Young Loyal Opposition used to love this movie, as well as the trilogy. But the sad truth is---there's some bad stuff in there. Darth Vader, however, is still the best. Loyal Opposition wishes Vader could have convinced Skywalker to team up and kill the emperor, and then rule the galaxy. That would have been sweet.


At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous interprets the seminal Star Wars as a metaphor for gay unions. Darth Vader is not Luke's father per se, he is Luke's father figure, vis a vis George Michael. Similarly, the Dark Side is the proverbial closet, lest anyone shed light on their secret life, exposing them to the harsh, judging light of day. Also, just look at those outfits. Heterosexuals have never been privy to such flair and fashion braggadocio.

Anonymous would like to suggest at this time that Loyal's new-found disenchantment with Star Wars is actually the manifestation of his struggle with the post-11/2 quandary over the Democrat - Gay Community relationship on some subconscious, psychoanalytic level.

If additional viewing is needed, Anonymous recommends "Fried Green Tomatoes", "Chasing Amy", and "Some Like It Hot".

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Higgins said...

Loyal Opposition has seen all but one (Chasing Amy) of those and finds all to be great movies. Loyal Opposition also believes that George Michael's album Faith is underrated--the years 1987 and 1988 were great years for shamelessly poppy music that's pleasant to listen to. As to Anonymous's ETB comments, Loyal Opposition is not one of the Dems who believes the answer lies in flaying the gays. And even though for flair, you can't beat a guy who wears leather pants, a cape, and a really shiny black helmet, Lando Carissian (sp?) is one of the great heterosexual style meisters of moviedom. A hero who wears silk shirts. Perhaps another interpretation is that the struggle here is about the conflict between the attractiveness of order and the pleasure of freedom. But generally, Loyal Opposition was just amazed at how bad the acting is and how clunky some of the writing was. The movie is seminal though. Loyal Opposition appreciates Anonymous's third person references. Loyal Opposition feels everyone should model themselves after Bob Dole's speaking patterns--it's fun. But in the future, Loyal will be abbreviating because typing Loyal Opposition takes too long.


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